Sunday, 27 February 2011

'Weird' wording..

Hey hey hey.. Aku x percaya cinta.. Aku xpercaya cinta.. Aku xpercaya C.I.N.T.A!! Hahahaha.. Tetibe je kan? Ok2, let's start the topic. Erm.. Korang mesti slalu dgr org ckp "sentap la ngan ko!" "ko ni kekwat la!" n watsoever la kan? But maybe ade certaion yg a bit konpius n cepat2 g carik dictionary nak tau apekah? Or yg lg advance sket g google translate kan? Ha!! Meh cni kite same2 selongkar ape jadah yg diorg dok ckp2 tuh eyh.

Entry arini nk ckp psl wording yg slalu digunakan hadek2, hakak or sng cite laki feeling2 nk jadik gugurl la.. Hahaha.. Tetibe je kan nk wat entry psl jadah ni. There is byk sgt wording yg dis kind of people gne but I only will explain yg common of femes2 jela. Lets begin..

1. Kekwat
- Yang ni means sombong, prasan cun or hensem (bajet). Yg ni mmg most used wording la. Besela hadek2 ni mneleh tgk org cantek sket dari die. Smpai mati la ko kne sumpah ngan die.

2. Sentap
- I like this want! Hahaha. Sentap means merajok. Ha!! Ckp psl sentap ni kan, ttbe teringat lak psl 1 of my fren. Hahaha. Encek ni adoiyai sgtla kuat sentapnye! Haish. Owh, kne tambah sket, org sentap ni normally mmg emotional die xbtol sket. PMS la krenye. Wut is PMS? You may refer to my previous entry ea. Hahaha. Ok2, smbung blik psl Encek Sentap neyh. Actually maybe die ni just nk maen2 je or wat2 sentap but siyesly klakar sgt ble die stat wat muke die n smpai 1 of our fren pun leh takot nk ckp ngan die. Ok done! Kang ade lak yg terlebeyh sentap lak! =P

3. Caras
- Its like F*&%$ amek laki N*&%.. Haaa.. Paham x? Hahaha. Caras neyh kre rebut2 gf, bf, laki, suami, skandel (or anything la yg related) hak milik org len. Yg ni pun ade cite gak. (Bile nk abes ni sume ade cite je? Hahahaha). Kes caras ni happen kt my geng2 gak. Opsss! Ala besela ble da stat knl2. Mula bork2, share2 smting, pstu stat tukar2 num, then stat feeling2 lak.. Ble da stat feeling2 tuh korg phm2 jela kan? Sesi caras mencaras pun start la. Mase ni stat la mmber2 pun leh masam2 muka, emo x menentu. Haish!

4. Spedo
- Eyh ni bukan swimwear ke? Hahaha. Haa.. Yg ni aunty aq yg ajar eyh. hey, ditekankan disini aunty mak tulen ye nokk! Jgn egt aunty aq pondan lak. Hahahaha.. Spedo ni lak mksudnye ske tipu or sngnye 'kaki kencing' la. Aq pun xtau la ape related nye kaki kencing ngan spedo ni. Gagaga..

Rasenye ckopla ilmu2 yg saya curahkan kt cni. For more details information, you may refer to hakak2, or hadek2 yg len eyh. Mak xdpt la nk tolg. Hahahaha. Sengal tol. N if korg ade yg best2 lg comment jela kt cni k. Kte share sme2.. Ngee~

Korg mampoo??

p/s: For those yg 'touching' sorry eyh.. =P


Mista Elmo said...

do you have button for like? :P

mista cookies said...

owh menarik. nnt saya try wat eyh.. =P

Mista Elmo said...

hehehe...btw saye enjoy dgn post awk nie..sgt m'narik..:)

mista cookies said...

thanks awak. nnt rajen2 baca blog sy lg eyh.. =)

Afiq said...

sangat ilmiah ye. haha :P

mista cookies said...

hahaha. bgos kan saya bg bahan yg brguna.. =P

Faizul said...

SENTAP! hahahhaha

mista cookies said...

hahaha.. awak ni asek nk sentap je? nk saya lempang x?

hazwan hairy said...

hahahahha tergelak aku bca biskut oi..

mista cookies said...

ni la klu org xde idea nk tulis ape. aq pun xtau la cane leh merepek nk tulis jadah ni sume. hahaha. anyway, thanks for commnting n keep waiting for my next entry k.. =)

Ezan Nur Ayub said...

menghanjeng is one of the frickin weird word that i love most. haha!

FadzniMuhammad said...

caras tu tak leh blah!hahaha sentap tuh slalu sgt...hahaha

mista cookies said...

rama-rama: hahaha. yeah dat one pun slalu gak dgr. but then still bahasa2 'pelik' eyh? btw thanx for sharing ur weird word.. =)

apad; hahaha. sentap tuh mmg slalu sgt. ahh.. sgt anti si pen'caras' eyh. haish!

Faizul said...

nak sgt kene lempang..tolonglah lempang..tolonglah.. hahaha

mista cookies said...

hahaha.. apsal lak ttbe nk kne lempang neyh? haish

asphaq said...


mista cookies said...

hahaha.. yg tuh weird tuh hang, elmo ngn afiq je. pasai tuh pun leh nk gado.. gagaga