Can u imagine how suffer to deal with emotional people? OMG!! I'm sure everyone got an experience to 'melayan' or handle with this kind of people. Kadang2 tuh sampai da fed-up ngan perangai org2 emotional neyh. *sigh. But it's normal klu gurl yg emotional neyh. But why? Meh cni nk gtau.
Can u imagine how suffer to deal with emotional people? OMG!! I'm sure everyone got an experience to 'melayan' or handle with this kind of people. Kadang2 tuh sampai da fed-up ngan perangai org2 emotional neyh. *sigh. But it's normal klu gurl yg emotional neyh. But why? Meh cni nk gtau.
PMS or in english term Premenstrual Syndrome sejenis penyakit yg hanya dialami oleh kaum saje. Ditekankan disini, kaum GEGURL saje ye!! So, korg yg boboy ni or yg feeling2 gegurl ni xyah nk berangan ade PMS neyh eyh! Hahahaha.. PMS neyh sgt2 berkaitan ngan kitaran haid bagi si gegurl ni la. Kiranya mse tuh hormon dieorg nk mnje2 la. so ngade2 lebeyh sket. Hohoho.. =P. Sindrom2 akak PMS neyh ade byk. Antaranya:
Meh smbung blik psal emotional tdik. Coz this bad attitude gak la besfren pun leh gado, roomate or housemate leh xbertegor and even couple pun leh break up. See!! Betapa besarnya kuasa si EMOTIONAL ni kan? So, those emotional people be careful. Maybe korg xpasan ur emotional attitude, but just ask ur friends and see what they would say bout u. =)
1. Sangat2 senang menangis (kire feeling2 lebeyh la neyh)
2. Stress xtentu pasal
3. Asyik nk tidur
4. Susah nk gembira or mmg xkn gembira lnsung la sng cite
5. Menggelabah xtentu pasal
6. Cepat marah
2. Stress xtentu pasal
3. Asyik nk tidur
4. Susah nk gembira or mmg xkn gembira lnsung la sng cite
5. Menggelabah xtentu pasal
6. Cepat marah
Hey emotional people, stop it! Or people will start to isolating u!!
p/s: Tony Robbins says "Money! It's one of the most emotinally charged issues of our lives."
1 comment:
Its like SENTAP MENYENTAP TENTAP KANTAP. or like nak perhatian lebih dari orang and maybe TERLEBIH manja. That's why jadi benda alah ni. Paling teruk. Laki pun nak sentap. Jadahnya.
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