Friday, 8 April 2011




Siapakah gadis ini?

1) Banker
- Yeah gadis neyh la banker sye mse sye study dulu.. Yeay!! Sgt best klu tade duet mse tuh sye carik je gadis neyh.. Awak baek, xpenah nk berkira ngn sye. Klu sye ckp, awk ade duet x skng, sy xbwk duet la.. Xcucuk lg.. Cepat je awak ckp "ADE3!!.. Bape ko nak? Hahaha. Baek kan gadis neyh. Hey! Tapi saya xpenah amek kesempatan kt gadis neyh. Betol kan awak? Klu sy pnjam mst saya byr balik.

2) Pemberi Hadiah Besday - Hehehe. Pelik je neyh pun nk mention kan? Tp tuh la kenyataan nye. Gadis neyh penah bg sye perfume for my besay present. Cite die cani.. Cecite.. Cecite.. Mse tuh dlm 2 taun lepas kot sy slalu ckp ngn die yg sye minat sgt ngn perfume "Paco Rabbane 1 Million". N ktorg pun slalu la survey2 ble kuar lepak sme2 kt bndar Melaka tuh. Tapi sye xpenah ckp tau yg sye nk perfume tuh kt die. But then smpai la besday sye kan, die bg sye perfume tuh. OMG!! Terharu nye. Before that penah wat statement lg kt die, klu ade org bg perfume tuh mmg nanges terharu la. Hahahaha. Tp tadela smpai sye nanges kan ble dpt perfume tuh. Tq so much awak..
3) Ironwoman - Neyh la sye nye Ironwoman. Gadis neyh sgt kental and tabah. Xkre la org nk ckp ape pun psl die. "Ade aku kesah?". Tp jgn egt prangai cani die kurang ajar la. Bkn awak baek kan? Sopan santun lak tuh. Just die xpenah nk kesah klu org xske kt die or watever. Lantak die la nk pkai ape pun g klas. Yg korg sibuk2 apsal? Kan awak? Ikot awakla nk pkai ape pun. Hehehe. Tp jgn xtau, even gadis neyh Ironwoman pun, dalam hati die ade taman beb!! Sangat jiwang la gadis neyh. YES!! Feeling lebeyh la sng ckp..

4) EX-GF - Wah neyh statement brani mati neyh. Hahaha. Yeah! Gadis neyh jgkla yg berjaya menawan hati sye ble stat study kt universiti.. Huhh.. Jangan egt sye xpenah ade makwe eyh. Hahaha. Betol kan awak kte penah kapel? Awak jgn malukan sye plak ckp tade. Nnt org ckp sye syok sndri lak. Huhuhu. Tp dlm setahun lebeyh je kot cinta kamai bertahan.. Wahhh.. Pastu xde jodoh da n masing2 nk idop single. Lg best kan awak? Tp ktorg still kawan smpai skang. Yeah besfren forever!!

Tapi kan, nape sye dok cite psl gadis neyh je kan? Siap ade special entry lg utk die. Erm.. Actually ari sye tulis entry neyh, gadis neyh nye BESDAY.. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY awak!!!! Yeay tua da awak skng neyh. Dulu mse kte mula2 knl umur awak baru 19 tahun kan? Skng da 24 tahun da.. Means 5 tahun da kte knl kan? Kejap je rsenye sye knl ngn awak. Sye doakan yg terbaek untk besday awak kali neyh. N hope awak frenship will remains forever. Tq so much for being my nice fren. Hope more besday comin pasni n may God bless you in watever yg awak wat pasni. Mesti pasni keje sume da best2. yela penat 6 tahun kte blajar sme2. Nnt ble awak da sng awak jgn lpe kt sye tau.. Finally, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nurul Fadzni Muhammad!!!


FadzniMuhammad said...

awwwww....terharu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wat entry for me...haha statement tuh tak menahan!=p thanks to you for everything... being agreat friend for me through out the years... accompany me when i needed..thnaks a million! trillion! huhuhu speechless...=.='

hopefully our friendship will remain forever!=) may we all hve a great job after this..and hve a great life! thanks for accepting the way i am from beginning till now..great friend u r!=) huuuuu

sedey plak.... nak nanges!!!!!!!! thanks again awak...=)

Faizul said...

Wooowww...Jgn Igt Ye Kukis Xpnah Ade GF.. Suke2..haha.. Bab Perfume Tu Best.. Sorry Kakak..penah try ckit..wangii..hahaa

mista cookies said...

hahahaha.. ko xyah nk emotional sgtla kt aku nye blog neyh.. =P

no probs dear. yeah we will fren forever n ever ye!! ko jgn da kaya ko tnggal aku lak! egt aku neyh still anak ikan ko even aku lg kaya dari ko nnt.. hahahaha

neway, Happy Birthday again!! =)

syafiq othman said...

huhuhu sweet je wish birthday kat blog u..hahahaha... anyway happy birthday jugak kat Fadzni Muhammad....semoga panjang umur murah rezeki...

bagus gile even dah break still rapat...huu...soge korang happy dengan life okay kukis and fadzni...

Anonymous said...

hahahaha..sgt sukee ngn entry sweet laaa..nnti besday ak pon ko kena wat entry cmni...;p


Anonymous said...

like it

Unknown said...

bangang anak ikan!!!hahaha hot ker kau?!gagagaga thanks..=)

mista cookies said...

hehehe. thanks syafiq. ktorg xleh nk gado2 pas je ktorg break tuh kne 1 specialization lak. so 1 klas la.. hahaha.. nk xnk msti la ckp gak kan?

ala.. sme jela u ngn dak tuh kan? till now pun stikk kwn gak? gud2..

*ble nk lepak sme neyh? ngeee

mista cookies said...

zila: yeah no probs la.. nnt ko pun klu aku egt ade spesel entry gak.. hehehe.. ko nk add on pape x? bunga2 ke? hahaha

anynomous 1: thanks.. btw sape ni eyh? =P

jck_dmc3: sape neyh? hahaha.. hot la kot.. =P

Anonymous said...

wow! shuweetnye u'olllzzz..maybe u guys can hook up again for second time..maybe ade jodoh!! awwwww =)

teha da ladylyte

mista cookies said...

hahaha. ko jgn nk merepek eyh teha. but mayb.. who knows.. =P

btw, aku tgu ko kawen je neyh.. ble lg huh?

Unknown said...

wah2...comey je feroz nie...haha...kalau apad de bf nanti musti dia jeles...

mista cookies said...

hahaha.. tadela. die kan my bff je.. =P

nurul hanim said...

jack tuh aku...=p terguna my bro nye pc..hahahah~apad~

haha jodoh tu tuhan tentukn..wahahaha jumpe org laen dlu laaa....=p

mista cookies said...

hahaha.. ptotla. egt sape la jact tuh td.. hohoho

btol2.. klu ade jodoh xkemana.. =P

FadzniMuhammad said...

jack tu aku..apad...hahahah ter log in gne my bro nye pc!!hahaha

=.=' tayah hook up hook up sgt der...hahahaha

mista cookies said...

budus! aku yela egt kak anim td.. serabut suda ko neyh.. hahahaha

Anonymous said...

wwweeee . giler comell korang nie . hihihi . patut la macam kenal je gadis nie . rupenye kak apad yg gorgeous rupenye . btw , sokong statement abg fairuz yg pasal nak pakai ape gie kelass tue . hihihi .

mista cookies said...

sye mmg chumel.. terima kaseh! hahaha.. gorgeuos ke gadis neyh? ok bye~ hahaha.. sape neyh eyh? ngeee~

thanks for reading my blog btw.. =)

MiaDiera said...

happy bday to her:)

mista cookies said...

thanks MiaDiera!!